DoorKeeper provides a holistic approach to helping young people transform their lives from the inside out.
Who we are
Hi, we are The Rustrians. My name is Betsy; my husband Edvin and I founded the organization Doorkeeper. We have been married for over 20 years and we have two beautiful daughters. We value servicing our local communities, mentoring young adults, working with non-profit organizations, and volunteering at our church in feeding and providing shelter for the less fortunate ones in our communities. Our goal is to help young people transform their lives from the inside out through the tools in our program.
Our Vision
Our vision is to help meet and address the painful trauma young people encounter and provide a holistic approach to help them heal by guiding and preparing them to encounter and endure life’s toughest moments.
Our Mission
Our mission is to educate young people to experience the value of seeing, understanding and processing life’s challenges, setbacks and pains as a tool to uncover their greatest potential.